Vriconian Transparency

​Transparency Statement
In line with the majority of internet sites & resources, content on this particular site will include reference and links to various products & services which may be of interest within articles, blogs and other relevant forms of communication.
As the web-site grows & develops it may be necessary to fund site maintenance, administration and improvement through the provision of direct sponsored links and other general advertising, in which case it is intended to be as transparent as possible as to where this is being used.
It is intended that any products & services having mention on this site will be due to personal interest and will represent that personal interest & impressions based on logic, common sense & decades of experience in providing technical (& non-technical) solutions to complex problems.
Mention of product or service may not necessarily indicate direct contact or experience and therefore should not be construed as being a recommendation.
Recommendation of product or service should only be made when that product has either been used by the recommender, or it is deemed that the product is deserving based on technical or logical grounds.
Advertising & Direct Sponsorship
Full Details and changes will appear here ...
To provide information related to any form of advertising or sponsorship of products or services contained on this site, it is anticipated that coloured borders or background will be used to indicate the form of relationship to visitors generally along the line of ......
.... although the final format & presentation may be subject to change you may come across some test examples for layout purposes.
​Other than carrying general third party advertising The site currently does not have a direct revenue model or revenue related content, however, if this changes, best endeavours will be made to ensure that any content is relevant to domestic energy efficiency, energy saving and microgeneration technologies such as solar pv, CHP, wind etc in line with site content.
Updated - 26/05/2017
Controlled by third party - Blue Border
Controlled by Site - Green Border
Controlled by Site - Sponsored - Red Border