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Vriconian - Your Weather/Generation

Generation Forecasting.
Okay, we've got a power generating system made of glass on the roof or in the garden and sometimes it's sunny, but then again, within the UK it's more often cloudy or raining. So we obviously have a basic requirement for weather forecasting tools to help in the decision making process required to align our household demand to our supply in order to help reduce energy imports and bills, particularly for high power appliances such as washing machines & dishwashers where there's no need to use immediately.
In this section we'll look at & for sources which provide forecasts for energy generation alongside the normal guesswork. Of course, forecasting energy generation over a few days will logically be just as accurate as that for sunshine, clouds & rain, so within the UK treat it as being somewhere between somewhat inaccurate and just-for-fun! - then again, if you're reading this from somewhere like southern Spain, Arizona or Alice Springs there's a really basic question - "why?" (Just kidding!)
AccuWeather Generation Forecasting.
An early and simple to use candidate for weather based generation forecasting is AccuWeather. Okay, it's basic, but it does attempt to provide a forecast for home energy over a few days, although it would be useful to find a definition of the various categories which are displayed:- for example, what level of generation compared to a perfect bell curve for a given location is considered 'poor'?
Anyway, for now, the forecast looks simple to understand, so here it is, just select a location and see how it works for you..​
PV Generation & Weather
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