Energy Efficient Home: Electricity Jan 2011-Sept 2017

For the past week I've been thinking that the apples down the garden are looking pretty tasty and only yesterday I noticed the early stages of yellowing on both our beech & silver birch trees, but whilst awakening this morning I was greeted by the sound of a weatherman cheerfully heralding the arrival of the 'meteorological autumn'.
Okay, September's here therefore Winter and it's high energy bills are just around the corner, but not quite yet Mr Weatherman, after all, this is an extremely energy efficient house, but the statement did remind me to update my month-end analysis data and sparked a thought to provide an insight into what energy consumption has looked like recently in an energy efficient property, so I'll make a start with electricity.
Vriconian | Energy Efficient Home: Electricity Jan 2011-Sept 2017

Apart from drawing attention to the scale being kWh per day, the house having had solar PV installed in April 2011 and that there's a noticeable year-on-year improvement, I don't really think that much else really needs to be said at the moment.
So, no Mr Weatherman, at least when it comes to electricity bills, I'm not going to worry about Autumn quite yet, but those apples certainly look a little tempting !

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