Solar PV Generation Estimation: PVGIS-5 (Beta Release)
The PVGIS-5 Solar PV generation estimation tool release candidate is now available in Beta - A user's look at what's new and whether

Wind Microgeneration in the UK - Wind Speed Estimation - Oh Dear, Where did the DECC tool go?
Well, when I sat down a couple of hours ago to write some pointers to information on estimating wind speeds in the UK I knew exactly what...

Ofgem - Feed-in Tariff Annual Reports
The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme is a UK Government programme designed to promote and incentivise the uptake of small-scale renewable and...

Crown Estate - UK Offshore Wind Map
The Crown Estate manage UK sovereign assets which include the seabed within UK territorial waters (to 12 nautical miles) and rights to...