Solar PV Generation Estimation - PVGIS-4
The PVGIS-4 Solar PV energy generation estimation tool is the current release of the extremely popular resource - A user's look at the t

Hadley Centre Central England Temperature (HadCET) dataset
The HadCET dataset provides an important long term analysis of temperature trends which is used extensively for climate trend monitoring....

Information - Beta release date delay.
Beta release countdown changed from 01/06/2017 : 15:00 to 10/06/2017:15:00.

Met Office - Sunshine Map - Winter 2017 (Q1)
This map is particularly useful for owners of solar panels (PV & thermal) to help compare seasonal performance relative to previous year

Met Office - Sunshine Map - Annual 2016
This map is particularly useful for owners of solar panels (PV & thermal) to help compare system performance relative to previous years

Blue Sky Thinking (5) - Why Vriconian ?
So, why 'Vriconian' ? - well quite simply (not really, but I'll just say that to keep you awake), there's a hill called the Wrekin which,...

Power - UK National Grid Status (Gridwatch)
GRIDWATCH is a website which collates live data streams in order to provide a single graphical representation of the current state of...

Blue Sky Thinking (4) - The Spark
Enjoying working on a website got me thinking over the next couple of days ..... what if a blog wasn't just a blog, but a site which...

Blue Sky Thinking. (3) - The Catalyst, It Rains
​​Ring ring (phones don't do this any-more, but you get the idea) ... it's mid Monday morning and a good friend is calling for some help...

Technical Update - Privacy & Cookies
'Your Privacy & Cookies' details added .... (Image is link)