Blue Sky Thinking (4) - The Spark

Enjoying working on a website got me thinking over the next couple of days ..... what if a blog wasn't just a blog, but a site which acted as a container for 'things' which would interest me, and maybe be of use to others too, so last evening I sat down, thinking morphed into doing and here we are, starting a blog, something which I said I had no time for just a few weeks ago, but now recognise that it wasn't time that was in short supply, but inclination.
As for what these 'things' are, I've no idea yet, but the terms 'energy efficiency', 'carbon neutral' and other buzz-words & phrases are likely to be over-employed (for which I'll apologise in advance) and I'd like to tie together a number of other varied interests too, both local and not ....
The seed germinates ...