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Vriconian Energy - Solar PV & Domestic Battery Storage
Solar PV & Domestic Battery Storage

Solar photovoltaic (PV) Generation
If you're reading this you probably already share my interest in installing a home battery storage solution to reduce reliance on the grid and are looking for commentary from independent information sources. The primary driver may be to take a major step towards energy independence, to reduce your carbon footprint, reduce the money you hand over to line your energy supplier’s pocket, or even a combination of the three, but a question has come to mind related to the accuracy of information we're currently being told - so should we trust it or look elsewhere?
To help address this Vriconian have looked deeply into the domestic battery market offerings and asked the essential questions which are needed to form an idea of how battery systems will interact with solar PV systems in order to create a realistic performance assessment for those installed in typical households.
Solar PV & Battery Storage
Featured Video
Tesla Powerwall 2 - Fully Charged
(Note : Costs, FiT & other data are no longer current)
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