Welcome to 'Vriconian' ....

Okay, let's start ....
Firstly, welcome to 'Vriconian' and secondly, I'll attempt to provide basic answers to the obvious questions :- "What is Vriconian ?" and "What's it all about ?" within a series of posts in the (very) near future which I'm currently minded to call 'Blue Sky Thinking', for what should hopefully be obvious reasons ....
This is simply the opening post of a blog which will form part of what will hopefully provide an interesting & informative (or not as the case may be) website/resource. Content of posts may eventually be tidied up, expanded upon, then included somewhere else as the site develops ... but then again, let's see how it goes .....
Whilst in basic development the site will be live, although operated a very low key mode. When there's enough content to provide some interest and it's in a useable format, I'll attempt to open the outer gates ....
Again, Welcome ....