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Energy Efficient Home: Gas Jan 2013-Sept 2017

A couple of days ago a BBC weatherman provided a reminder of the onset of the 'meteorological autumn' which sparked thoughts of juicy apples and amber shades of colour in the garden and led to an update of how low electricity consumption could be in an energy efficient household.

So, September's here and in the previous post I detailed electricity imports from 2011 through to the beginning of this month, however, like many others, I tend to become more than slightly annoyed when people with solar photovoltaic systems concentrate on reductions in imported electricity consumption and totally overlook the energy required to provide domestic hot water (DHW) or space heating. With this in mind, let's take a quick peek at what gas usage can look like in an extremely energy efficient house - ours!.

Vriconian | Energy Efficient Home: Gas Jan 2011-Sept 2017

Apart from drawing attention to the scale being kWh per day, the house being extremely well insulated and has both secondary and tertiary space heating sources (which will be covered in future articles) as well as solar thermal DHW heating, the 'official' main heating source is a highly efficient condensing boiler, but I think that at the moment it's just enough to look at the chart above, which details gas consumption for the period January 2013 through to the beginning of September 2017. Note the year-on-year improvements and the absence of gas usage for the majority of the year, but I don't really think that much else really needs to be said at the moment.

So, no Mr Weatherman, just as mentioned when writing about not being too concerned about the approach of Winter on our electricity bills, I'm not going to worry too much about gas usage and it's associated costs just at the moment, however, I must admit, the first of this year's crop of apples certainly was tasty, so thanks for the reminder!

Vriconian | It's Autumn - time to think about energy efficiency & juicy apples!


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