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Vriconian helps provide insight, guidance & tips related to home renewable energy technologies. Unlike the majority of resources available covering this field, this site simply takes an interested end-user viewpoint and is fully independent of market sector influence.  

Insulation, Insulation, Insulation - Keeping Your Heat In & Your Bills Down

​So how many times have we heard or seen a phrase along the lines of 'The cheapest energy you will ​​ever buy is that which you don't use' without fully understanding the meaning behind it?

Insulation - A Priority ?

Effectively, whether you're looking to keep hold of more of your own hard-earned money in times of ever-increasing energy prices, to increase comfort levels, to save the planet, or even a combination of all of these reasons, then put aside the relatively expensive ideas for technical solutions such as replacing that relatively inefficient gas central heating or installing solar PV for now and just concentrate on the basic concept that keeping your heat in your home is more likely to achieve your goals with a lower investment and therefore a higher return than almost anything else you could do.

​Typical Heat Loss Sources in UK homes

The typical UK domestic property leaks heat, and therefore energy which has been purchased, in the following proportions - Roof - 25%, Wall - 35%, Windows - 15%, Draught - 15%, Floor - 10%

​​Loft Insulation and draughtproofing in particular can provide almost immediate and sometimes significant reductions in energy bills which, in many cases, can return money spent within a very short timescale, often a matter of months.

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