Smart Metering: A Clever Green Solution rapidly becoming a White Elephant ?
It's now over a month into 2018 and with the UK parliament looking into both project progress against targets and further modification of...

Winter's arrived in an energy efficient home, so what does this mean so far ?
Yes, it's December 2017 already and as reminded by the BBC weatherman, that's the beginning of 'meteorological winter' and it'll not be...

It's Raining - Time to Build a Log Store!
To do, or not to do (again!) Oh no, Autumn's been here for a while and it's raining again! Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but this...

Energy Efficient Home: Gas Jan 2013-Sept 2017
A couple of days ago a BBC weatherman provided a reminder of the onset of the 'meteorological autumn' which sparked thoughts of juicy...

Energy Efficiency: Power Puzzle or Perfect Sense ?
So, it's about time to get some of those decision making neurons firing with a seemingly impossible equation regarding energy efficiency...

MCS - Microgeneration Certification Scheme
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) was designed to support the reduction of UK dependency on fossil fuels, being introduced...

Loft Insulation - Keep Heat in & Reduce Your Energy Bills
​We've probably all overheard, seen, or even been in conversations where a phrase along the lines of 'Insulate, Insulate, Insulate' or...

Insulation, Insulation, Insulation - Keeping Your Heat In & Your Bills Down
​So how many times have we heard or seen a phrase along the lines of 'The cheapest energy you will ​​ever buy is that which you don't...