Solar PV Generation Estimation: PVGIS-5 (Beta Release)
The PVGIS-5 Solar PV generation estimation tool release candidate is now available in Beta - A user's look at what's new and whether

Met Office - Sunshine Map - Annual 2017
This map is particularly useful for owners of solar panels (PV & thermal) to help compare system performance relative to previous years

Smart Metering - (1). Introduction: What's it all about ?
We've all seen the latest advertising campaigns for the smart metering roll-out in the UK: you know the one, it looks like it's designed...

PV Generation Forecast - Customised for your site.
"Do I put the washing machine on today, or will it be better to wait?" - yes, it sounds a strange question to many, but it's becoming a...

Solar PV Monitoring & Comparison - PVOutput
​​PVOutput is an online service which is used by many within the global PV community to monitor, compare and share their photovoltaic...

Solar PV Generation - Comparison & Monitoring.
Whether you already have a solar PV system and want to compare your own generation against other systems which are nearby in order to check

Hadley Centre Central England Temperature (HadCET) dataset
The HadCET dataset provides an important long term analysis of temperature trends which is used extensively for climate trend monitoring....

Met Office - Sunshine Map - Annual 2016
This map is particularly useful for owners of solar panels (PV & thermal) to help compare system performance relative to previous years

Power - UK National Grid Status (Gridwatch)
GRIDWATCH is a website which collates live data streams in order to provide a single graphical representation of the current state of...