Loft Insulation - Keep Heat in & Reduce Your Energy Bills
​We've probably all overheard, seen, or even been in conversations where a phrase along the lines of 'Insulate, Insulate, Insulate' or...

Insulation, Insulation, Insulation - Keeping Your Heat In & Your Bills Down
​So how many times have we heard or seen a phrase along the lines of 'The cheapest energy you will ​​ever buy is that which you don't...

Ofgem - Feed-in Tariff Annual Reports
The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme is a UK Government programme designed to promote and incentivise the uptake of small-scale renewable and...

Information - Beta(1) Release 10/06/2017
Beta release countdown completed 10/06/2017:15:00. Site password protection removed, landing page modified to access home page, site...

Crown Estate - UK Offshore Wind Map
The Crown Estate manage UK sovereign assets which include the seabed within UK territorial waters (to 12 nautical miles) and rights to...

FiT - Current Tariff Rates (UK)
The FiT Scheme The FIT (Feed in Tariff) scheme is a UK Government programme designed to promote the uptake of small-scale renewable and...

UK Feed-in Tariff (FIT): Tariff Table 1 April 2017
Ofgem's latest (1st February 2017) update to Feed in Tariff scheme rates and associated deemed export rates effective from 1 April 2017...

Feed-in-Tariff Scheme (UK)
The FiT Scheme The FIT (Feed in Tariff) scheme is a UK Government programme designed to promote the uptake of small-scale renewable and...

Solar PV Monitoring & Comparison - PVOutput
​​PVOutput is an online service which is used by many within the global PV community to monitor, compare and share their photovoltaic...