Smart Metering: A Clever Green Solution rapidly becoming a White Elephant ?
It's now over a month into 2018 and with the UK parliament looking into both project progress against targets and further modification of...

Solar PV Generation Estimation: PVGIS-5 (Beta Release)
The PVGIS-5 Solar PV generation estimation tool release candidate is now available in Beta - A user's look at what's new and whether

Solar PV & Thermal: One or both ?
Having both solar thermal & solar PV systems on our roof, over the years we've often been asked which of preferable: One, the other, or...

Winter's arrived in an energy efficient home, so what does this mean so far ?
Yes, it's December 2017 already and as reminded by the BBC weatherman, that's the beginning of 'meteorological winter' and it'll not be...

Energy Efficient Home: Gas Jan 2013-Sept 2017
A couple of days ago a BBC weatherman provided a reminder of the onset of the 'meteorological autumn' which sparked thoughts of juicy...

Energy Efficient Home: Electricity Jan 2011-Sept 2017
For the past week I've been thinking that the apples down the garden are looking pretty tasty and only yesterday I noticed the early...

Tesla Powerwall 2 - Business brilliance or a concept in need of a reality check ?
Having expended considerable effort trawling through literally hundreds of articles, I find it incredulous that no-one has conducted researc

Smart Metering - (1). Introduction: What's it all about ?
We've all seen the latest advertising campaigns for the smart metering roll-out in the UK: you know the one, it looks like it's designed...

Energy saving - LED: Time to replace the TV ?
In these days of multitasking and social networking how many of us are guilty of leaving the TV flashing away and chattering way to...

Solar PV - Savings on Electricity Bills
When looking at consumption of all kinds, many of us strive to reduce usage to save the planet whilst for others the primary motive is to...